August 11, 2006

Living a happy marriage

I have talked with happily seasoned married couples and without exception, five things seem to be the key factor to a beautiful marriage.

Men and women are as different as night is to day, which might be why it takes alot of time and effort to make our marriages work. The vital key to every successful relationship is friendship. It sounds simple enough, but don’t be fooled. A strong friendship with your significant other doesn’t just happen. It demands hard work. Part of that work involves avoiding some common pitfalls, which can dampen your ability to like the one you love.


For some couples this is the hardest part of their marriage. Some people complain of nothing to talk about. While others do nothing but complain to each other. It’s a destructive circle meant to be broken. If you and your husband don’t normally converse it may be difficult to engage in. Try setting some time aside in your hectic schedules to communicate. If you can’t find anything worthwhile to discuss, chat about anything that comes to mind. Even if it seems trivial or silly. Eventually you shouldn’t have to search your mind for things to say, words will effortlessly flow through your lips. Then, the two of you will be able to reacquaint yourselves with each other and renew the magic that was once shared.


Idealism is when you perceive your spouse to uphold an image untrue to his character. When he fails your perception of him, you begin to feel distraught. Idealistic people tend to examine their mate’s faults through a magnifying glass. Not only are you miserable because your spouse falls short of the image etched in your mind, but also he probably has self-doubts and may feel like a failure in your eyes. The problem here is a relationship is being built on unrealistic expectations. How long do you think it will take before you both begin to resent each other? I believe it’s never too late to try and alter our attitudes towards the one we love. The first step is to admit that nobody is perfect and to come to the realization that you are unable to change your spouse. Then choose to look for the positive aspects he has to offer. You just might be pleasantly surprised.


Who says romance is dead and gone? I believe romance is an important expression of love between two people. It’s the unspoken words of passion. I’m not necessarily speaking of those delicious, sultry nights under the covers. Even though there is nothing wrong with letting your spouse know you want him and showing him how desirable you think he is.

You can say I love you without uttering a word. I’m talking about life’s joys. The little pleasures you can bring to your beloved is worth a thousand kisses in the most exciting places. Being romantic isn’t hard to accomplish. Sometimes it requires creativity, but don’t let that scare you. There are never-ending possibilities to bringing romance into your lives. For example, one day I opened my car door and found a stuffed toy ladybug with a note attached which read "I hate to bug you, but will you forgive me for acting like a jerk?" Needless to say I forgave him. A favorite of mine is sending my husband love cards or enjoying a picnic by moonlight. The point is to find your own level of romance and watch the sparks fly.

Thankful Heart

Sometimes it is difficult to actually have a thankful heart. Being thankful doesn’t come naturally. But with our stubborn human nature, we more readily take things and people for granted. Everybody longs to be noticed and appreciated, especially by the ones they care most about. How awesome this world would be if everyone had the feelings of being valued and loved. Unfortunately, due to the decay of our society, this is impossible. As individuals, we do hold the power in our hearts to show appreciation to those we love.

A fresh Vision of Your Marriage

Each marriage goes through different seasons with distinct challenges and blessings. Recognizing these challenges and blessings gives perspective on your marriage. Nothing last forever. Life changes and we grow.

But, your marriage won’t completely blossom unless you water it with love and forgiveness. Forgiveness is the cornerstone of faith and our hope for revitalized relationships. Without love and forgiveness we can expect our marriages to wither away like a dying flower.




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